■Output diary #1 “The most important thing for me when I was training💪” (=筋トレを行う際に私が大事にしたこと。)




I decided to write a blog in English to improve my English writing skills.

This time, I’d like to write about how I lost 10kg last year, after six months of serious muscle training.

(A Japanese translation is available below this article.)

The most important thing for me when I was training💪

・I lost 10 kg in six months. (70kg -> 60kg)

・I received a training in online coaching.

・The most important thing for this training was “cost performance”. I like “cost performance” very much. Up to now I have been pursuing “cost performance”, but in this time, I aimed to bring me to the concept of “cost performance”.

・In other words, it is energy saving for the body.

・My idea of “cost performance” is “kill N birds with one stone” and “a good quality balance value and money”

💡”kill two birds with N stone”: to achieve multiple(N) benefits by doing a single(one) action.

💡”a good quality balance value and money”: to get more than what you paid for (service).

Training is good “cost performance” because it meets the following👇.

💡You can rethink your diet and become healthier.

💡training gives you immunity.

💡You can improve your self-esteem.

💡You can change your appearance.

So, training is “kill N birds with one stone”. And all of the above are benefits that money cann’t buy.

The rules imposed on my coach are as follows.

💡At least 115 grams of protein per day.

💡Less than 1700 kcal a day.

💡Do not eat fried foods and sweets. Do not drink juice.

💡Less than carbohydrate grams a day.

・Fried foods, sweets and juices are overpriced. So they are bad “cost performance”. So I don’t eat and drink.

・One meal is as follows. (+ 30 grams protein) (→ this dietary restriction gave me energy saving for the body)

・The tools used were the following rubber tubes. (The load varies depending on the color.)

・I only use the rubber tubing because going to the gym costs a lot of money.

・And then, I continued to train.

・containing is very important.

I was able to continue my muscle training because I had the priceless motivation that my body was changing and my cost performance was becoming better.

・training → change my appearance → I feel my cost performance was getting better → training…. this was virtuous cycle!

Conclusion: training is a good match with “cost performance”!

日本語訳(Japanese translation)

・体重を半年で10kg落としました。(70kg -> 60kg)


























