Pudding brings out the potential of ingredients🍮



I’m studying English. this article is to practice writing English.

Pudding brings out the potential of ingredients🍮

Today, I’ll write about pudding.

I’m going to cooking school, and I learned how to make a pudding. So, I tried making it.


It’s beautiful isn’t it?

And I noticed that pudding brings out the potential of ingredients. 🍮

Because we need just three ingredient.

  • egg
  • milk
  • sugar

That’s all!!

I think a pudding is an ultimate answer to question of “What is the maximum of multiplying each ingredient”.

In other words, using the tree ingredient, human can’t make something more delicious than pudding.

Incidentally, price each ingredient per one pudding is as below.

  • egg: \20 (about $0.13)
  • milk: \6 (about $0.04)
  • sugar: \5 (about $0.03)

Total $0.2 !!

Pudding🍮 = Apple🍎 ?

I think pudding is apple.

Is this apple ?

No, no, this apple.

In other words, pudding likes Apple products.

Because a pudding is simple and sophisticated.

And moreover, a pudding is delicious. I can’t believe that it’s made by $0.2

Steve Jobs said “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

Pudding is also just what it looks like and feels like, Pudding maximally works ingredients.

So why Steve named “Apple”, not “Pudding”?

I can’t understand it yet. 😄
